Engagement season is upon us, with Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and Valentine’s Day being the favored times to pop the question.
In our bustling, always-on-the-move society, the essence of genuine hospitality sometimes feels lost.
However, the importance of hospitality can be seen in numerous biblical references.
When Jessie's husband, Ron, got into a catastrophic car collision with a semi-truck, their children were just 10 and 12 years old. Miraculously, Ron...
Ever noticed a hike in your monthly Internet bill?
We did too. Initially, it was $50/month, then $60, and now it’s nearly $80/month. While canceling...
The excitement of summer break is in the air, especially around where we live, as children just started their vacation.
Scrolling through my Facebook, I...
About a week ago, Netflix broke the news that it would be increasing its subscription costs across all streaming and DVD rental packages.
Not surprisingly,...
The multifaceted rewards of mastering a musical instrument cannot be overstated.
Research indicates that children engaged in music lessons and playing instruments exhibit enhanced cognitive...