Managing your finances can be challenging. Most of us have faced financial hardships, whether it’s battling credit card debt, navigating through hefty student loans, or simply trying to set a realistic budget.
Identifying the right financial tools to help you begin your journey can be the most difficult step.
Today, I want to share an incredible offer with you, a comprehensive bundle of financial resources designed to fast-track your financial goals. It’s named the Master Your Money Super Bundle. But what’s inside?
This bundle is packed with tools, instructional videos, ebooks, and courses from financial gurus. It’s tailored to assist in crafting your first budget, forming a strategy to eliminate debt, boosting your income, and identifying money-saving tactics. A truly all-encompassing financial toolkit!
Here’s a sneak peek:
- 12 eBooks
- 12 eCourses
- 11 Informative Videos
- 9 Comprehensive Workbooks and Printables
- Plus, 3 Exclusive Bonuses
Purchasing these items separately would set you back over $1,200. And if we factor in the free bonuses, it’s nearly $1,320. But here’s the kicker: from now until Monday, April 1, 2019, 11:59pm ET, this entire bundle can be yours for just $37.
Given that many of these resources often retail for more than this offer price, the value you’re getting is truly remarkable.
Let’s delve deeper into the bundle contents:
Budgeting Essentials:
- “Budgeting That Works” by Caroline Vencil
- “Busy on a Budget” eCourse by Cara Harvey
- Taylor Medine’s presentation on budgeting even if you dislike spreadsheets
- Ginger Hudock’s guide to budgeting for healthy whole foods
- Monthly expense tracking printables by Jessica Evans
- Comprehensive Budgeting Binder by Kelan & Brittany Kline
- “The Ultimate Budget Breakdown” workbook by Amy Raines
Tackling Debt:
- Allison Baggerly’s guide to rapid debt elimination
- “Debt Free in 18 Months” eCourse by Deacon Hayes
- Val Breit’s strategy for rapid student loan repayment
- Courses on Public Service Loan Forgiveness and conquering student loans
Family Financial Planning:
- Comprehensive courses on buying your first home and preparing financially for a baby
- Strategies for thriving on a single income and communication tools for couples around finance
Boosting Your Income:
- John Wedding’s guide to cashing in on “fancy serial numbers”
- Various eBooks on maximizing income in your free time and through stock market investments
- Courses on passive income and side hustles
Money Management Tools:
- Email courses and eBooks that help you gain control over your finances and achieve financial freedom
Shaping Your Financial Mindset:
- Courses and videos to transform your relationship with money and make budgeting enjoyable
Money-Saving Techniques:
- Workbooks and guides filled with actionable tips to cut monthly expenses without compromising your lifestyle
Bonus Offers:
- A 2-month membership to Wallet Win Academy
- 3-month access to Focuster, a tool to maximize your productivity
The Master Your Money Super Bundle is a curated collection of financial tools, all designed to set you on the path to financial freedom. Don’t miss this limited-time offer!